Cognitive Impairment in Psychosis: What it is and How it's Treated

Tuesday, July 13, 2021
Cognitive Impairment in Psychosis: What it is and How it's Treated

Among individuals with psychotic disorders, cognitive impairment is among the strongest determinants of the ability to function in the community. Dr. McCleery will review the major areas of research in this area, including efforts to better understand the prevalence of cognitive problems, aspects of cognition that are impacted by psychotic illness, and the developmental course of cognitive impairment. Treatment approaches that aim to improve cognitive performance also will be discussed.

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Presented by 
Amanda McCleery, Ph.D.
Amanda McCleery, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, Psychological and Brain Sciences

University of Iowa

2016 Maltz Prizewinner for Innovative and Promising Schizophrenia Research

2015 Young Investigator Grant


<p>Dr. McCleery’s research focuses on cognitive predictors of functional outcome in schizophrenia and related conditions. Her recent work uses EEG techniques in conjunction with performance-based measures to better understand the nature of the relationships between early-stage information processing, higher-order cognition, and community functioning across phases of illness in schizophrenia.&nbsp; Her work is also informed by developmental psychopathology in order to gain a nuanced understanding of the trajectory of cognition over the course of illness to identify potential critical periods and targets for intervention, as well as possible mechanisms of change.</p> <hr /> <p>&nbsp;</p> <h4>Prizewinner Video:</h4> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><iframe frameborder="0" height="400" src="" width="100%"></iframe></p>

Symposium Presentation:

Neuroplasticity in Schizophrenia: How to Measure it and What Does it Mean?
October 28, 2016, New York City

Moderated by
Jeffrey Borenstein, M.D.
Brain & Behavior Research Foundation

Jeffrey Borenstein, M.D., serves as the President & CEO of the Brain & Behavior Research Foundation, the largest private funder of mental health research grants. Dr. Borenstein developed the Emmy-nominated public television program “Healthy Minds,” and serves as host and executive producer of the series. The program, broadcast nationwide, is available online, and focuses on topics in psychiatry in order to educate the public, reduce stigma and offer a message of hope. Dr. Borenstein served as Editor-in-Chief of Psychiatric News, the newspaper of the American Psychiatric Association from 2012 - 2023.

Dr. Borenstein is a Fellow of the New York Academy of Medicine and serves as the Chair of the Section of Psychiatry at the Academy. He also has served as the President of the New York State Psychiatric Association. Dr. Borenstein earned his undergraduate degree at Harvard and his medical degree at New York University.