“I wouldn’t be here winning an award, or speaking to you if it weren’t for the extraordinary research that’s been done in this field over the last thirty years and I count myself incredibly lucky …”

Posted: January 3, 2011

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And we count ourselves incredibly lucky to have been able to honor Andrew Solomon at the 2010 ‘From Discovery to Recovery’ NARSAD Awards Dinner. This year, three renowned authors were awarded NARSAD Productive Lives Awards for their tremendous success in overcoming the staggering odds those living with mental illness face to become highly accomplished and fully contributing individuals.

Andrew Solomon is most well-known for his 2001 book, The Noonday Demon: an Atlas of Depression for which he won The National Book Award. In this book, Solomon paints a complex and compelling portrait of what it means to live with depression, disclosing his own personal story in addition to chronicling the struggles of many others. Solomon has also written for the New York Times and the New Yorker magazine and lectures at Weill-Cornell Medical College in the Psychiatry Department. In 2008, he was awarded the Humanitarian Award of the Society of Biological Psychiatry for his overall contributions to the field of mental health.

We at NARSAD were all very moved to have Andrew Solomon speak at the Annual Awards Dinner in October. His effusive energy and compassionate and courageous soul made the event one that will not be soon forgotten! To listen to his emotional and inspiring acceptance speech for his 2010 Productive Lives Award, please click here.

Andrew Solomon was interviewed at the Awards Dinner on topics regarding Depression, his experiences, and his thoughts about NARSAD and the role NARSAD plays in treating mental illnesses. We are grateful for his willingness to be interviewed and are happy to share his insight and vision here. We are confident that he will also serve as inspiration for many of you! To view these videos please visit the NARSAD YouTube Page.