Former Foundation Spokesperson and Mental Health Advocate, Mike Wallace: 1918 - 2012

Posted: April 10, 2012

Story highlights


Legendary news anchor and award-winning journalist, Mike Wallace passed away on April 7, 2012 at the age of 93. As the pioneer of the hugely popular, "60 Minutes" TV news show, Wallace was best known for his unique interviewing style in which he often asked the "difficult" questions - causing many guests to hesitate before agreeing to sit down with him. Joseph Coors once said, "The four most frightening words in the English language are 'Mike Wallace is here.' "

In addition to his lifelong career as an esteemed journalist, Wallace also battled severe depression beginning in 1984. He publicly admitted to attempting suicide and quickly began advocating for mental health research and to reduce the stigma associated with mental illness. In 1998, Wallace was honored with the Humanitarian Award by the Brain & Behavior Research Foundation (then known as NARSAD or the National Alliance for Research on Schizophrenia and Depression) and became a spokesperson for the Foundation. His wife, Mary Yates served on the Board of Directors for the Foundation for six years beginning in 2002.

Mike Wallace and Mary Yates sit down to discuss their
experience with Mike's depression:


Read More about Mike and his battle with depression

Read more about Mike's life in the Los Angeles Times, Chicago Tribune, Kansas City Star, Washington Post, Daily Press, Hartford Courant, and on National Public Radio

Colleagues and friends are reacting to Wallace's passing as well on Yahoo, The Tri-City Herald, Central Maine's Morning Sentinal, San Jose Mercury News, and The Boston Herald