YouTubers Raise More Than $192K for Mental Health Research

Posted: November 28, 2018
MatPat and Stephanie Patrick of the Game Theorists

On Monday, November 26, 2018, The Game Theorists held an 8+ hour live stream event to raise money and awareness for the Brain & Behavior Research Foundation as a part of YouTube's Giving Week. With an ambitious goal to raise $175,000 for mental health research, they succeeded with the help of some key YouTube influencers and followers. Ultimately, they surpassed their goal, raising over $190,000. The event has received more than 700,000 viewers. We very much appreciate Matthew (MatPat), Stephanie, and their guests, as well as the generous donors who have provided support for our mission. 100% of the money raised for research will be invested in grants to scientists to find better treatments, cures, and methods of prevention for mental illness.

BBRF President and CEO, Dr. Jeffrey Borenstein offers his thanks:


Learn about how another company is supporting mental health research through proceeds of the sale of products.